How Can I Find A Dead Skunk And What To Do When I Find It?

A dead skunk is no better than a live one. If you thought the odor given off by a live skunk was a gut-wrenching stench, then you’ve never gotten a whiff of the putrid decaying flesh of a dead skunk. So, when looking for a dead skunk you only need to follow your nose. The closer you get, the stronger the smell will be. Follow the horrible smell and it should lead you straight to the carcass of the dead skunk.

What You’ll Need For the Job

Skunks carry many different diseases, including rabies. You should never touch a skunk with your bare hands, even if it is dead. Before proceeding, you will need to gather the proper equipment. You will need to find a dust mask of some sort to protect your airways. Depending on how long the animal has been dead, some pathogens may be airborne when disturbed. They will float into the air and settle in your lungs. It is also important to find a thick trash bag or large, plastic container with a secure lid. This will be used to put the carcass in and dispose of it. You will also want long, thick gloves and a shovel. Although you will be wearing gloves, it is still best not to touch the animal at all. You will also need a disinfectant or enzymatic cleaner to help disinfect the area after the carcass has been removed. This will help stop the spread of diseases.

What To Do When You Find It

When you find the dead skunk, you’ll be only tool happy to put on the dust mask because it will help control the odor a bit. You should also put on your thick gloves. Open the bag or plastic container and set it aside. Use the shovel to gently scoop the animal carcass up and place it in the bag. Seal the bag or container immediately and prepare it for transport. You’ll want to thoroughly disinfect the shovel before using it again. Depending on where the carcass was found, that area may also need treated. Foul smelling bodily fluids and other parasites may fill the area around the dead skunk. Don’t dispose of the carcass at home. You’ll kick yourself if you do and your neighbors will hate you for it. A skunk carcass can deliver a permeable odor that lingers for months or even longer in a neighborhood. It is best to take it to a public dump or incinerator.

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